Attention: Iron Wind Metals will be closed today Monday January 6th due to the winter weather conditions. We will be catching up on orders on Tuesday from the weekend and Monday.

Gen Con 51 is getting closer and Iron Wind Metals will be at the show (Booth 2543) with the usual full Battletech Line, Bulk Fantasy and Sci-Fi bins, Hackmaster, Chaos Wars, Gendel Resin Terrain, SciFi Resin Building and a variety of other items for sale. The list below is all of the new Battletech releases that we will have at the show, Con Specials (Lance Pack), and Limited Edition Jumper. I will update the list as we get close to the show as I am able to confirm what else will make it.

Images of Gen Con 2018 Releases

Product Alpha Lists

  pdf Battletech Alpha List (72 KB)

  pdf Battletech Alpha List Small BT (17 KB)  

Gen Con Releases
SKU Name Tons Price
Other Releases at GenCon
BT-431 Warwolf C 75 $16.50
BT-432 Ryoken III-XP (Skinwalker) B 55 $14.75
BT-442 Wulfen A 35 $10.95
BT-416 Testudo Siege Tank (Standard) 75 $10.95
BT-428 Crusader CRD-8L 65 $15.95
Early Release at GenCon
20-5169 Shadow Hawk SHD-2Hb 55 $13.95
2018 Limited Edition
SHD2Hb-18 Shadow Hawk SHD-2Hb (Jumper) 55 $20.00
3150 Wolf Empire Mech Pack (Con Special)
3150WolfEmpire Ryoken III-XP (Skinwalker) Prime 55 $49.95
Wulfen H 35
Warwolf H 75
Tomahawk II Prime 100



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